If you had to make a choice between the two, would you choose beauty or health?
The old saying, "nothing is more important than your health" rings so true these days! And while I hope 100% of us would answer in favor of health over beauty, unfortunately what we say and do are sometimes two different things! In our quest for beauty, we often do things that are definitely not in the best interest of our health.
We pick up weight and go on crash diets, we seek out chemical or surgical fixes, in the hopes of "perfection". Even when we know what's best for us, we don't always follow that path. As much as I try to be healthy, I can honestly say I know there are things I do that aren't good for me-like eating too much candy. I should probably give up coffee too, but I love it! And while I should exercise, I hate it with a passion.
In recognizing my downfalls, however, I attempt to compromise. The key I have found is no extremes! Most of us cannot keep up with such a strict, perfect lifestyle and need some day to day exceptions. So aside from eating candy, I try to eat well - lots of fruits and vegetables, with very few carbs. With this I'm able to keep a steady weight and eliminate crash dieting. I limit my morning coffee intake to 2 cups (okay maybe 3 on some days!), but ditch the cream and sugar that I'd really prefer ;) Knowing I will never, ever, go to a gym, my "exercise" consists of running, dancing, and playing with my Grandchildren- hula hoops, jump ropes, it all counts! And in the beauty department, I try to stay as natural as possible. Is it sometimes tempting to look at all the ads in magazines for the latest "fix", yes. Is it worth it, I don't think so.
I also try to remember that so many things are also out of our control-family history, childhood environments (talk about second hand smoke!), etc. At almost 59, I do my best to stay healthy and feeling young. In this regard, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy has been my personal life changer. Yet not everyone wants, or is a candidate, for it. Recently one of our customers shared that after battling Breast Cancer, and as a result of the estrogen risks, she could no longer take HRT and it led her to us, as she now needed a natural way to add fullness to her lips, (as estrogen loss can cause lip thinning).
I'd been thinking for awhile that I wanted our business to be able to give back in some way, and this customer gave me the inspiration that our little beauty product could do something positive-even if just in a small way. We are hoping we can offer our Fullips lip enhancers to the very strong and beautiful women that have battled Breast Cancer and find themselves in this situation. While we clearly recognize that thin lips are the least of anyone's concerns after facing cancer, we hope that, if in some small way, it could be helpful to those that would like to add it to their daily beauty routine, then we are happy to provide it!
We are putting aside 100 sets to distribute over the next three months to women who have faced breast cancer and feel like they would like to try these to avoid more chemicals, or because they are no longer HRT candidates. If you, or someone you know, is in this position please email me at info@fullips.com to my attention (Linda Gomez) and we will arrange to get a set out! www.fullips.com
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