Here we are in the midst of the holiday season, the most wonderful time of the year!
The music, the shopping, the festivities, and of course, the stress that often accompanies this fabulous season.
As we all know, stress ages us and it's terrible for our health! It makes us look older, and certainly "feel" older. For our health, sanity, and appearance, keeping the stress level down is imperative, so all that holiday merriness does not go right out the window!
To look and feel our best during the season, here are some reminders for managing the craziness and looking great while doing it! We can make it to the New Year healthy, happy, and joyful!
· Don't sweat the small stuff. Those cookies you were going to make from them! That present you were going to wrap all fancy...put it in a bag and go. Take the pressure off of yourself. No one that loves you will care!
· Don't add anymore to your list and keep things simple. There's already enough to do, adding more to your plate will lead to a lot less holiday spirit. Relax with a Gingerbread Latte, admire the decorations, lovely lights, and listen to the music. Enjoy the season!
· Before that holiday party, grab a quick nap, but make sure to lie only on your back to avoid those dreaded “lines” on the face. Placing cooled cucumbers on your eyes really helps refresh them too! Your beautiful outfit, hair, and make-up always look better when you're rested.
· For your holiday attire, think color! It’s fun to go bright and festive. Bright colors can actually make you look younger and more vibrant! Local designer Bunker Bradley, and partner Roselyn Poon, have a great line for women called Cobra Couture, it’s fun, sexy and comfortable – they even have swing coats! You can dance the night away (great exercise), while looking and feeling good.
· Holiday make-up tends to be bolder, so have fun with it! Red lipstick is very popular for evenings out during the season.
Tip: As we age, our lipstick also tends to bleed a bit more, so if this is a problem for you, there are many great products out there to help prevent this. One good, cheap trick is to use a double liner. First, line around the outside of your lips with a nude color liner, blend. Then just inside that line, use the same color liner as your lipstick and apply your lipstick as usual. The idea is to create a double barrier to prevent the color from bleeding. Practice before that special night out though—I have learned to never experiment with something for the first time right before a big occasion!
· Last, but most important, remember that time together is the best gift to others, and yourself. Isn't that what the season should be about? Go have a hot chocolate and enjoy the weather. Meet up with friends and just have fun with one other. It’s good for your health, makes you smile, and overall makes you and the season even more amazing!
Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and blessed 2016!
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